See below for a list of useful resources related to debt and money including links to articles, factsheets and websites that may help you deal with your issue.
Dealing with debt
- General information on debt and money
- Debt advice tool from National Debtline
- Advice and practical solutions from StepChange
- Debt factsheet library
- Sample letter library for writing to creditors
Managing your money
Whilst we do not provide budgeting advice you can find lots of useful information online about how to increase your money and save on your bills including helpful tips and hints.
For more information see our list of the top money management websites below:
- Gas and electricity price comparison tool
- Guides to help you manage household bills
- Beginner’s guide to managing your money
Charitable Grants
If you are on a low income and are struggling to afford a product or service you may be able to apply for a charitable grant.
This is usually a one-off gift of either a payment or a product (such as furniture or white goods).
Creating a household budget
One of the most helpful things you can do to keep track of your money is to create a household budget.
This will give you an overview of your financial situation as well as:
- What money you having coming in and going out
- Where you can save money and where you may need to cut back
- How much money, if any, you have left over each month
Create your own household budget with Citizens Advice
Create your own household budget with Money Helper
Visit the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group‘s website for advice and guidance around tax.
Welfare benefits entitlement
If you need to check your entitlement to welfare benefits, visit our welfare benefits self-help resources page for a list of articles, factsheets and websites that may help you deal with your issue.
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A Message of Support
North Bristol Advice Centre are deeply saddened and appalled by the recent surge of racist violence sweeping across our country and particularly our community here in Bristol. Our thoughts and solidarity are with all communities affected by these heinous acts. We unequivocally condemn such violence and stand united with the people who are targeted, as…