See below for a list of useful resources related to welfare benefits including links to articles, factsheets and websites that may help you deal with your issue.

General welfare benefits advice


You can use an online tool to find out if you may be entitled to welfare benefits.

A benefits checker can quickly tell you if you are entitled to any benefits and give you basic information about what support is available. You can then use a benefits calculator to find out your full entitlement, how much you might get and how to claim.

Benefits calculators

Benefits calculators will confirm what benefits you’re entitled to based on your circumstances. Before starting you will need to have accurate information about your:

  • savings
  • income, including your partner’s (from payslips, for example)
  • existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you)
  • outgoings (such as rent, mortgage, childcare payments)
  • council tax bill

Benefits calculators can only be used by over 18s and will not give accurate information for prisoners, students, non-British or Irish citizens, those living outside the UK, or those living in residential care or nursing homes.

We recommend using one of these benefits calculators:

Benefits relevant to your situation

Types of benefits

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit you can claim to help with the extra costs of disability.

It is made up of two parts, a ‘daily living’ part and a ‘mobility’ part. You can claim one or both of these parts depending on your personal situation.

To get PIP you don’t need to have worked or paid National Insurance and it doesn’t matter what your income is, if you have any savings or you’re working.

New Style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

ESA is money for people who are working age and have limited capability for work because of their sickness or disability.

There are different types of ESA:

  • New Style ESA
  • contributory ESA
  • income-related ESA

You can no longer make new claims for income-related ESA or contributory ESA. Universal Credit and New Style ESA have replaced these.

If you have an existing claim for income-related ESA or contributory ESA, you will continue to receive this until:

  • you’re told to claim UC
  • your award ends
  • you have a change of circumstances

Step by step guidance on filling in an ESA Capability for Work questionnaire

Universal Credit (UC)

Universal Credit (UC) is a benefit you can claim if you are on a low income and have savings under £16,000.

You can claim UC if you are in or out of work and it includes extra amounts for children, disability and rent costs.

You do not need to have paid National Insurance contributions to qualify for UC.

Pension Credit

If you’re over State Pension age and finding it tricky to make ends meet, you might be able to claim Pension Credit to top up your income.

It comes in two parts: Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit. You may be eligible for one or both parts.

Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly income to a guaranteed minimum level.

Savings Credit is extra money if you’ve got some savings or if your income is higher than the basic State Pension.

By claiming Pension Credit, you might become eligible for other benefits too.

There are different eligibility requirements for each of the parts of Pension Credit.

For more information:

Fact Sheets

Legacy benefits

There are six legacy benefits that are being replaced by Universal Credit. Most people are not able to make new claims for these benefits however there are certain exceptions. You can find information on each of them here.

Challenging decisions

Money management

MoneyHelper has a number of tools and calculators to help you manage your money.


Information guides and factsheets from Age UK.

Comprehensive list of benefits factsheets from Disability Rights UK.


Visit our debt self-help resources page for information on money management and budgeting.

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