As a charity, North Bristol Advice Centre relies on a range of funders to support our work. We would like to say Thank You to the following organisations for their support.

Access to Justice Foundation

Allen and Overy Foundation

Anchor Society

Bristol City Council

Bristol Wessex Billing Services

Burges Salmon Charitable Trust

Cote Charity, managed by the Society of Merchant Venturers

Dolphin Society

Grateful Society

Henry Smith Charity

John James Bristol Foundation

Money Advice Pensions Service (MaPS)

National Lottery Community Fund

Nisbet Trust

Quartet Community Foundation

South Gloucestershire County Council

St Monica Trust

We also receive funding from a number of local trusts and foundations whose ongoing support is vital to our work. NBAC raises a small income through fundraising events, venue hire and paid-for services.

Latest news

TNL Logo

Lottery Funding for Community-Based Advice in North Bristol

North Bristol Advice Centre (NBAC) has been awarded core funding of £300,000 over 3 years from The National Lottery Community Fund to develop their outreach work in North Bristol.   The “Embedding Advice in Communities” project will allow NBAC to partner with local organisations to embed advice within communities and reach people with welfare benefit issues…


A Message of Support

North Bristol Advice Centre are deeply saddened and appalled by the recent surge of racist violence sweeping across our country and particularly our community here in Bristol. Our thoughts and solidarity are with all communities affected by these heinous acts. We unequivocally condemn such violence and stand united with the people who are targeted, as…

Older woman using computer

Bristol Tea and Tech to help older people get connected

North Bristol Advice Centre (NBAC) is taking its popular digital drop-in on the road to help even more people to get connected.