Our headline figures for 2023-24
>> 2114 people supported
>> 1992 people received one-to-one advice
>> £1,823,070 raised for clients
>> £4,073,882 debt managed for clients
>> 94% success rate at appeal
>> 362 people at risk of homelessness kept in housing
The people we support
Most of our clients are in financial crisis; many have had an unexpected change of circumstance such as unemployment, long term illness, bereavement or disability which plunge them into sudden and severe financial difficulties. Others need access to justice, having been denied the benefits they’re entitled to, or need legal support to challenge decisions of the local authority, DWP and HMRC.
>> 38% of advice clients suffered from mental ill health, and one quarter were physically disabled.
>> almost half were unfit to work.
>> 65% were living in social housing or rented accommodation.
>> one-third were from BAME communities.
Evaluation Framework and Theory of Change
We’ve developed our evaluation framework based on our Theory of Change. We use client questionnaires at case closed to measure a range of financial and wellbeing outcomes. We call a smaller cohort 3 months later to ask about long term changes to their lives as a result of our support.
NBAC is a learning organisation. We regularly review evaluation data to ensure we are meeting our aims and to improve and develop services.
Impact Report
Each year, we gather our evaluation data and client stories together in our Impact Report. This is shared with stakeholders locally and nationally to share learning and highlight the benefits advice brings to communities.
Latest news

A Message of Support
North Bristol Advice Centre are deeply saddened and appalled by the recent surge of racist violence sweeping across our country and particularly our community here in Bristol. Our thoughts and solidarity are with all communities affected by these heinous acts. We unequivocally condemn such violence and stand united with the people who are targeted, as…