North Bristol Advice Centre is run by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers and is governed by an independent management committee of local residents and professionals with a wide range of skills and experience.


Katherine Tanko – Director

Sarah Humphrey – Head of Services

Allison Clarke – Admin Team Leader

Femi Olabode – Administrator

Mahdiyyah Aslam – Receptionist

Elis Davies – Debt Team Leader

Mandy Williams – Debt Advice Worker

Christina McCormack – Debt Advice Worker

Iona Hunter – Trainee Debt Advice Worker

Luke Albarran – Welfare Benefits Team Leader

Lucy Angress – Welfare Benefits Advice Caseworker

Paulina Immach- Welfare Benefits Advice Caseworker

Karen Donovan – Welfare Benefits Advice Caseworker

Rebekah Grose – Welfare Benefits Advice Caseworker

Jess Collingwood- Welfare Benefits Triage Worker

Kay Kaur – Money Advice Assistant

Nicola Green – Get Online Coordinator

We are also ably assisted by a dedicated and highly valued team of volunteers.

Management Committee

Sian Edmunds, Chair

Sian is a senior lawyer at an international food business. She has lived in North Bristol for many years and previously worked at law firms in the city for over 20 years. Sian has a husband who is also a lawyer in Bristol and has two children who attended schools in North Bristol.

Jon Sankey, Treasurer

Jon is a Business Development Manager for Bristol Heat Networks at Bristol City Council. With a background in banking and the energy industry, Jon now spends his days building out Bristol’s expanding heat network which will be a major contributor to the city’s ambitions of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. He lives in East Bristol with his wife and daughters.

Janine Garel, Trustee

Janine has recently returned to Bristol having spent many years in London working as a Senior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist with National Citizens Advice for the past 14 years. Her background is practicing as a Solicitor, specialising in discrimination law and practice at Bristol Law Centre in the 1990s until 2006.

Jane Rogers, Trustee

Retired solicitor and former chair of trustees at Endeavour multi-academy trust in North Bristol. She is also a trustee of a number of not-for-profit organisations and a keen advocate for access to justice.

Bob Walters, Trustee

Bob is a local resident active in the community. He was an NBAC Get Online volunteer before joining the trustee board.

Charlotte MacDiarmid, Trustee

Charlotte is a local resident and active member of the community. She works for Bristol City Council, managing grants for community and voluntary groups. Before moving to the UK, her experience was in international humanitarian aid, working for the United Nations in various countries.

Cliona Hunter-Moore, Trustee

Cliona is a Visual Artist from the Republic of Ireland who has resided in North Bristol since 2002. She has a background in publishing, and set up and ran a successful production company, before being prematurely widowed in 2007. Since then her focus has been on raising her 3 children, her professional Arts practice and various voluntary roles within the North Bristol area. 

Robyn MacMhaoinigh, Trustee

Robyn resides in the north Bristol area and is a South African-qualified attorney. While in South Africa, she gained extensive experience in the not-for-profit space. Robyn believes strongly in the role of well-run and accessible charities when it comes to providing advice and support to those who need it most.

We warmly welcome committed people who live or work in the communities we serve to join our management committee.

If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact Katherine Tanko, Director,

Latest news


A Message of Support

North Bristol Advice Centre are deeply saddened and appalled by the recent surge of racist violence sweeping across our country and particularly our community here in Bristol. Our thoughts and solidarity are with all communities affected by these heinous acts. We unequivocally condemn such violence and stand united with the people who are targeted, as…

Older woman using computer

Bristol Tea and Tech to help older people get connected

North Bristol Advice Centre (NBAC) is taking its popular digital drop-in on the road to help even more people to get connected.


DWP forced to waive £8,600 benefits clawback after legal challenge by NBAC client

The mother of two disabled sons has won an important victory at the High Court in Bristol this week which will give better protection to people wrongly overpaid benefits.