If you are having problems with welfare benefits, we can:

  • check that you are receiving the correct amount of benefits
  • advise on benefit overpayments
  • advise on tax credits, overpayments and renewal forms
  • help you appeal benefit decisions, including representation at tribunal
  • help with benefit claim forms such as DLA, ESA, PIP and Attendance Allowance

Please note, we only support BRISTOL residents in the following postcode areas for welfare benefits advice: BS7, BS8, BS9, BS10, BS11 & BS16.

If you are outside our area, please click here for other advice providers in Bristol.

There are no post code restrictions for South Gloucester residents.

How can I access the service or make an enquiry?

Call us

Call to speak with our team:

0117 951 5751

Telephone lines open:
Monday – Thursday
10am – 4pm

Email us

Send us a message explaining your situation and someone will get back to you within 3 working days.


Enquire online

Use our Advice Tool to make an enquiry. It’s easy to use, provides clear information on welfare benefits and allows you to make a booking with an adviser.

Refer someone else – Welfare benefits

Refer someone else for welfare benefits advice.

Self-help resources

A list of useful resources to help you manage your benefits.

Home visits for over 50s

We provide home visits for people over 50 needing welfare benefits checks or help with form filling across north Bristol.

Other advice you may be looking for

We do not cover these services but we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction, so you can get the help and advice you need.

Housing advice

Immigration and asylum advice

Energy advice

Employment advice

Family law advice

Consumer advice

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